Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's Thanksgiving Eve!!!

What's up. I'm upset. I wanted lucky charms... but NO!!!! We don't have any milk. So now I'm 'drinking' dry lucky charms out of a coffee mug. I have heard it many times before, so yes, you can call me weird and I will not be offended. Eck. I'm gagging on this marshmallow filled cereal. Now off of the topic of my dietary habits.... Guess what today is?!?!? It's Thanksgiving Eve! My friends all think I'm named after this holiday since a friend said what today was at lunch... I'm NOT!!! I'm out of lucky charms though... :(

Please rest a moment while I cry.
Now were good, possibly.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving as you all know, and I really don't want to go to my grandmother's for it. I'll be the only kid there... and that really makes me mad. All the other kids on that side of the family live in FLORIDA. Dumb Florida. There will be two really old people. Two old people, and my parents. And me! Yay..... :((.
There will be a computer there... and dog... but he's kind of not exciting. Well I have to go, but I sure do hope that you guys have a great thanksgiving!!! Have fun and do not kill any relatives or siblings or anything.... Peace out. ♥ashley