Thursday, October 30, 2008

I must apologize...

This post will be short and sweet. I am apologizing for allowing that PERSON (whose name I shall not mention because she knows who she is) to post something on Oh the randomness. Horoscopes. I don't think our readers would want to read about horoscopes. Or so a reader says. SO NO MORE POSTING ON MY BLOG PERSON THAT KNOWS WHO SHE IS!!! That is all. Have a fabulous evening :)). ♥ashley ALMOST HALLOWEEN JUST A FEW HOURS ♥♥

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Proper grammar and punctuation...

I'll be trying to use proper grammar and punctuation in my blog posts from now on, since I was reading Boyd's World, and that blog said that a blogger should. I'm not quite positive yet on the topics that I'm going to write about. So I'll write about them as they pop into my head. For one, right now I'm home alone, and it's extremely quiet. All that you can hear is me typing and my stupid pug sniffing the ficus plant. *sigh*. Also, don't you just think that drama is absolutely pointless? I mean, this seventh grader came up to me in gym class today, (she's new), and was telling me how all the stupid preps and jocks were making fun of me when I was playing soccer, and how EVERYONE (yes, this new girl said everyone) hates me and goes on about how retarded I am. I mean, I know I'm not exactly the most athletic type, and I'm not the prettiest girl or the skinniest girl. BUT I KNOW THAT. There's no point in repeating it! So when someone says that, then someone tells someone else, and it leads to everyone thinking that! There is NO point in drama, or making fun of anyone! It will only make people feel bad, and what you say to them probably won't matter in freaking thiry years when that nerd is wealthy and successful while they're a freaking waiter. This school year alone has seriously damaged my self esteem just because of stupid drama, gossip, or rumors!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! I'm not doing too well on this grammar thing haha. And my dad is SO embarrassing! But that's a whole other story... maybe another time. Now I'm off to feel not-pretty.... lol. Have a nice day!! Peace. ♥ashley

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


For a while now, I've really been interested in horoscopes. Even if people say they're a load of crap, i truly think there's some truth in them. So, once a week, I'll post horoscopes. I wish that I could say I made them up myself, but I'm not that talented. They're from a different website... so don't blame me if something goes wrong or something lol. But I'll change some words so its not plagerism.
**Aries- It’s an odd week, but one that has definite merits. There’s a strong theme of old versus new in the planets. For you this could be that you thought something was done and dusted and it's cropping up unexpectedly. It is certainly possible that you get a second chance, but you may need to investigate further!!!!

**Taurus- The planets zone in on matters of the heart again; romantic intentions may be tested. There’s a strong chance that someone causes you to pause and think about your current status, whether you’re single or attached. Be careful if this person is an old flame, because you may be viewing the past through rose- colored lenses! It might not be the right relationship for you at the time, but perhaps later on in life.

**Gemini- Communications in their various forms should be much smoother this week, thanks to the constructive new moon. However, don’t be tempted to be too controlling today, especially in the outside world. Kicking back and letting others take charge for once will do you the power of good! Use your leadership skills this week.

**Cancer- Romantic matters could come to a head this week, thanks to the influences of the new moon. Whether you’re in an established relationship or whether you meet someone new make sure that nothing undermines your self esteem this week. Be firm and maintain a balanced approach!!!

**Leo- Don’t be too surprised if you feel that there are some changes you would like to make. The new moon suggests that you will want to overhaul your immediate environment: consider tackling all the accumulated clutter, so you can create a space that is more tailored for you!

**Virgo- Thank goodness for friends, because yours will prove to be invaluable this week! Your judgment won’t be at its best and you are likely to make a rash decision regarding a recent development, but a perceptive friend will be happy to provide an alternative perspective!

**Libra- Money issues are still likely to dominate your thoughts this week, but in a more constructive way than last week. It is possible that you’ll want to make some changes to the way to handle your cash, but are not sure what. Talking to a family member might provide some useful tips!

**Scorpio- A new drive to a fitter, better, more improved you is looking very likely this week, thanks to the new moon. You might be seeking to make some positive changes in your diet, or in your fitness regime, but one thing is for certain: you’re on the path to a whole new glamorous you!

**Sagittarius- Sagittarians can sometimes gloss over the irritating detail, preferring instead to visualize the wider picture. However, today, if you can resist a couple of early morning distractions, you’ll be inclined to pay particular attention to those finicky details, which bodes well for work or school related matters!

**Capricorn- You should feel the benefits of the new moon almost immediately. You are likely to get at least a couple of invitations out for this week, which could have the added advantage of boosting your love-life, but you may need to tackle a minor block or obstacle at work or school first!

**Aquarius- It is likely that someone will recognize what you have to offer, which will boost your mood considerably, but don’t let yourself get too carried away. Romantic matters could become a source of irritation this week; just be gentle though, if someone is expecting too much!

**Pisces- Everyone will be thinking about clearing up or changing aspects of their lives in the week, thanks primarily to the new moon. For you those changes are likely to be in the form of plans for a winter vacation or break, because something will inspire you to be that little bit more daring!

I Know, i didn't write these............... i got them from a different website, anywho read them!!! hahaha i am soo hyper and it's almost 9 p.m.
TTYL!!!!!!!! goodnight!! ♥ashley

Monday, October 27, 2008

hola weird ppl!

I know that I didn't post anything over the weekend, i was really busy, and i had nothing to post about!!! But today as I was being dragged away from the place i call home to the torture chamber known as school, i was thinking about some things. Those things are Halloween and the presidential election. First of all, Halloween. It's almost here!!! Honestly, I didn't plan on going trick-or-treating this year, since my parents told me i was way too old and i should have quit in like, fifth grade. To heck with what they think! I mean who can resist free candy from complete strangers? With only a few days away until the day, i had to come up with a costume. So on Halloween, I will probably just have a bunch of blue eye shadow on and black lipstick haha. I really don't know yet. I don't even know who I'm going with yet. Probably just a few of my friends. Then about the presidential election. Personally, I am a Obama supporter. BARACK AND ROLL!!! lol. I think McCain is too old, and there's just something about Palin I don't like. You can see it in Barack Obama's face that he has confidence, and that he WILL make an excellent president. Also, I jsut thought of one more thing. Don't you just hate when people call you by your wrong name? I mean you know a guy for THREE years and he still calls you the wrong name? HELLO DUDE MY NAME IS ASHLEY NOT SHELBY OK!!! GET IT RIGHT!!! Thank you. Have a nice day :)) ♥ashley

Friday, October 24, 2008

Tsk Tsk

Doesn't it seem like relationships are never working out these days? Of course, there are always some couples that work everything out, but a lot of times there aren't. The first thing that came to my mind of course was compatibility. One of my friends mentioned astro-compatibility. I was unsure about this, since to me sometimes those things are hard to believe. But my curiosity got the best of me, so I did looked up online which signs are most compatible with each other. This was what I found:
Aries (March 21st- April 20th) is most compatible with Leo and Saggitarius
Taurus (April 21st- May 21st) is most compatible with Virgo and Capricorn
Gemini (May 22nd- June 21st) is most compatible with Libra and Aquarius
Cancer (June 22st-July 21st) is most compatible with Scorpio and Pisces
Leo (July 22 - August 22) is most compatible with Aries and Saggitarius
Virgo (August 23rd- September 22nd) is most compatible with Capricorn and Taurus
Libra (September 23rd- October 22nd) is most compatible with Gemini and Aquarius
Scorpio (October 23rd- November 21st) is most compatible with Cancer and Pisces
Saggitarius (November 22nd-December 21st) is most compatible with Aries and Leo
Capricorn (That's me lol~ December 22nd-January 20th) is most compatible with Taurus and Virgo
Aquarius (January 21st-February 19th) is most compatible with Gemini and Libra
Pisces (February 20th- March 20th) is most compatible with Scorpio and Cancer
I really don't know if this information really means anything, but the internet tells me that if two compatible signs are together, they make a happier couple than two that are not very compatible. haha. Well, even if this information was not really intersting to your ears, I just thought I would post it because this world would be slightly happier if couples actually got along with each other lol. WELL HAVE FUN WITH THIS. I have to go help a friend plan her birthday party.... that should be interesting. ♥ ashley

Thursday, October 23, 2008

So guess what muhh homies???

I'm at the library with my friend Katie!!! Yes, I know. Unnesecary information that is uninteresting to your ears. oh well. Well, today my random topic of words will be .... ummm.... MONKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aren't monkies so sweet??? Their awesome. I wish I had a pet monkey. Then I could teach it how to play the electric gutair. YEAHHHH!!!!! Oh, and I almost forgot. MONKIES R KEWLLL!!!!! Lol. Im sooooooooo bored. Well, I guess talk to you later since i don't have much to write about. WAIT!! MEAPS OVER!!! YAYYY!!! Peace out homies ashley

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well, I was trying to think of a topic to write about, but I couldn't think of much. I'll just get out whats on my mind. Okay, for the past few weeks at our school we have been doing this terrible thing called MEAP. Tomorrow is the science MEAP, and I'll enjoy that one a lot more than the language arts. UGHHHHH. Hate language arts. The reading doesn't really bother me, but the writing gets on my nerves. I mean MEAP is so retarded that it probably stands for MANY EVIL ALIENS PEEING or something!!! Well, I'm happy that it's almost over. Sorry this post was boring :(( I'm not in too good of a mood. Anywho, I also wanted to thank drew because he said that he'd post a link of my my blog on his blog. THANX DREW! Oh, and here's a link to his blog, if any of you wanna check it out : WELL EVERYONE HAVE A GREAT DAY AND WATCH OUT FOR FLYING MONKIES AND STRANGE DUCKS COMING AT YOU FROM THE SKY. That is all. ashley

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hey so guess what?!?

This is my first post!!!!!!!! I got the idea of starting a blog because I was reading this kid named Drew's blog, and he says that there should be more blogs about teenager's lives. So I decided to start a blog. My blog will cover the random things that pop up in my life!! haha. I'll just post my random thoughts. So I hope you have fun reading my blog, and I really hope you weren't bored even half to death. Because then if you bored half to death and you read it twice, you would die, and that would just be sad :((. I'm sorry, I'm hyper. So, um, HAVE A NICE DAY, and read OH THE RANDOMNESS! ashley