Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Well, I was trying to think of a topic to write about, but I couldn't think of much. I'll just get out whats on my mind. Okay, for the past few weeks at our school we have been doing this terrible thing called MEAP. Tomorrow is the science MEAP, and I'll enjoy that one a lot more than the language arts. UGHHHHH. Hate language arts. The reading doesn't really bother me, but the writing gets on my nerves. I mean MEAP is so retarded that it probably stands for MANY EVIL ALIENS PEEING or something!!! Well, I'm happy that it's almost over. Sorry this post was boring :(( I'm not in too good of a mood. Anywho, I also wanted to thank drew because he said that he'd post a link of my my blog on his blog. THANX DREW! Oh, and here's a link to his blog, if any of you wanna check it out : WELL EVERYONE HAVE A GREAT DAY AND WATCH OUT FOR FLYING MONKIES AND STRANGE DUCKS COMING AT YOU FROM THE SKY. That is all. ashley


Boyd said...

Hi, it's Drew. For some reason the link you posted didn't work. You can make a list of links to other sites in gadgets. Actually, I'm not sure if you've discovered gadgets. well, when you do, yeah. Okey Dokey then.