Tuesday, January 6, 2009

So since New Years....

Hello everyone!!! Been a few days, I just haven't found a goodish topic to bore you with lately, and so.... yeah. How was every one's New Year? Mine was great, and so far, 2009 is excellent. I have not been eaten by any zombies, and I have somehow managed to survive otherwise...
Yesterday we had to go back to school (ughhh) and I am having a hard time adjusting to going to bed at a decent hour and getting up at six... Over break I usually just stayed up till one or two and slept until like noon, or one. That reminds me that I have homework to do... eh. Right now I am IMing both Drew and Emily, but it sure does seem like Emily fell off the face of the earth because she like isn't responding to my IMs haha. Ohh let me inform you off all the 'oh-so' exciting things in my life that you missed since my last post.
Okay, so on Saturday the third, I went to a friend's party. Drew's, actually. There weren't many people there, but some of the people there were Alix, and Stephen. The party was really fun. Even though we basically sat around, was amused by a lava lamp ("Woah. Look at the lava lamp!!" heehee) We, listened to music, and really just hung out. Alix was a teeny bit hyper... hahaha. The party was also my opportunity to give a friend his Christmas gift. I also almost got killed by a demonic rabbit...
Well actually I can't remember much else from New Year's Eve until now. Oh well, I really think that I don't have much else to say. Oh yeah, there's this guy on the television that is eating roasted baby chickens, baby chickens out of the egg, and cow butt. Hahahaha. It's that Andrew Zimmern guy, he's a bit scary... okay...
Alright, I'm going to finish up this post. Sorry this post was so short!!! Peace out. ♥ashley


Diane said...

You are one silly girl! lol
I'm having a hard time getting up with my daughter. Monday for sure was torture!
SOrry to hear about the demonic rabit incident. Hope that all gets worked out. :)

Boyd said...

One might want to ask themself, "why did I pet the rabbit if I wasn't suicidal?" I warned you all he was worse then the killer rabbit from Monty Python!!!