Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Still, I am fighting a bit of a cold. Today, I already had three people call me and freak out screaming, "WHY WEREN'T YOU AT SCHOOL TODAY!?!?!" and for all of your information, I was at school! For a little while at least. I stayed for health, which is first hour, then I called home. It was nearly impossible to breathe, and of course I didn't want to get anyone else sick ;)
So I left. I came home, slept from about 9 a.m to 2 p.m, woke up, did some stuff, watched a movie that I didn't particularly enjoy (The Last Mimzy), and now I am here. So how was your day today? Well now I think that I'll get to the point of this blog post.
Do you believe in ghosties? I don't think that I ever used to but I'm seriously starting to change my mind on that one. On my wall, I have this plastic skull thing that it's eyes light up and shift to the side and says stuff as you walk by, because it has a sensor. Well, I never have it turned on so it doesn't freak me out in the middle of the night. But when I woke up this morning, it's eyes were glowing orange, which it does when it is only turned on and they usually only stay lit up for a few seconds. IT FREAKED ME OUT. When I looked at the back of it, it was on, and nobody but me in the house turns it on or off. I shut it off. When I came home from school sick, it was on again. Darn skull is haunting me. Also, when Alix was over once, we made a horror video. We had the lights off in my basement, and when you looked in the mirror in my bathroom from the living room down stairs, you could see this white glowy thing reflecting. I didn't think much of it until I was watching the video the other day and I saw that white thing three other times in different places in my basement in the video. MY HOUSE IS HAUNTED BY A GHOSTIE! HOW FLIPPIN' SWEET IS THAT!? I seriously want to meet a ghost. That would be awesome... Anyway this post was basically rambling so I guess I'll go now, praying someone calls me or signs into IM... Bye! ♥ashley


Anonymous said...

Heyy! Thanks for finding and commenting on my blog. When I first saw your post, I was like 'Ashley Jones? what??' I went to school with an Ashley Jones lol. I'm really glad you wrote about ghosts. I love supernatural stuff! I believe in them. I've had some eerie things happen and have heard some stories that were creepy. That's super weird about your skull. That kind of stuff has happened in my house, but with my alarm One time I swear I saw my dog after it had died..haha or I could have just been really tired. Keep me up to date on the strange ghost things that happen in your house! - Ashley E :))

M♥A♥D♥D♥I!! said...

hey.... i wanna see the video!! my house had a ghostie too.... he got bored i think and left. maybe my ghostie came to your house with me and liked your house better and stayed there? and no... I AM NOT ON CRACK! sniff sniff. jk lol

Alix said...

Your house is totaly haunted!!!
I've seen ghosts but I'd rather not talk about them because they live in this basement and might eat me in my sleep....